Baoyang Road

Baoyang Road is a station on Line 3 of the Shanghai Metro. For more details view the ExploreShanghai interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Baoyang Road
Chinese (simplified) 宝杨路
Located on Line 3

Map of Baoyang Road

Tips near Baoyang Road

BUS: 541, 207, 华宝线, 952B, 淞盛线, 淞罗线, 淞嘉专线


Dec 8, 2011

♿️ Elevator 1:station hall towards North Jiangyang Road Station, Elevator 2:station hall towards Shanghai South Railway Station

ExploreMetro Access

Jan 8, 2014



Apr 27, 2014

Nice and quiet park at the riverside. 10 mins walk.


May 23, 2015

Holiday Inn Hotel entrance near Baoyang Road, the best way is crossing the shopping mall.

Breno Monteiro

Mar 4, 2023

First train/Last train

Photos near Baoyang Road

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Copyright: RanRan42

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