Deping Road

Deping Road is a station on Line 6 of the Shanghai Metro. For more details view the ExploreShanghai interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Deping Road
Chinese (simplified) 德平路
Located on Line 6

Map of Deping Road

Tips near Deping Road

BUS: 蔡陆专线, 970, 990, 843, 716, 814, 736, 554, 961


Dec 8, 2011



Apr 8, 2012

Taxis are very, very scarce. No taxi stand.


Feb 2, 2013

♿️ Elevator 1:station hall to platform towards Oriental Sports Center Station , Elevator 2:station hall to platform towards Gangcheng Road Station

ExploreMetro Access

Jan 8, 2014

First train/Last train

Photos near Deping Road

Copyright: kevinfinisterre

  • All Photos-2841 All Photos-2841
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  • Philippines Puerto Princesa Philippines Puerto Princesa
  • Philippines Puerto Princesa Philippines Puerto Princesa

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