Kangxin Highway

Kangxin Highway is a station on Line 11 of the Shanghai Metro. For more details view the ExploreShanghai interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Kangxin Highway
Chinese (simplified) 康新公路
Located on Line 11

Map of Kangxin Highway

Tips near Kangxin Highway

Just 20 minutes walking distance to Applus+

Calico Electrónico

Mar 9, 2016

After Kangxin Road is the Disney Resort, but it is not on this map


May 27, 2016

Kangxin Road should actually be called Kangxin Highway. ??????????????


May 29, 2016

Costco Exit 1


6 months ago

First train/Last train

Photos near Kangxin Highway


Copyright: TAM Ka Wai https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • IMG_20240630_114100 IMG_20240630_114100
  • Costco - Pudong, Shanghai, China Costco - Pudong, Shanghai, China
  • 愛心雲 愛心雲
  • 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th
  • 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th
  • 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th
  • 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th
  • 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th
  • 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th 上海之旅2017 Jan 6th~11th

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