Songjiang South Railway Station

Songjiang South Railway Station is a station on Line 9 of the Shanghai Metro. For more details view the ExploreShanghai interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Songjiang South Railway Station
Chinese (simplified) 松江南站
Located on Line 9

Map of Songjiang South Railway Station

Tips near Songjiang South Railway Station

♿️ Elevator 1: between the server centres, from hall to platform

ExploreMetro Access

Jan 8, 2014

If you dont speak chinese and want to take a train you can go to the station and use the computer in the ticket office. choose english on the computer screen. Write down the train number, price, how many passengers, and the train number and show it to a w


May 15, 2014

Take a train at 20 and 21 and the train will take you straight to Hongqiao Railway Station. ?????


May 29, 2016

First train/Last train

Photos near Songjiang South Railway Station

2019-04-11 11.56.10

2019-04-11 11.56.10
Copyright: alberth2

  • 2019-04-11 11.56.10 2019-04-11 11.56.10
  • 2018-08-26 12.50.19 2018-08-26 12.50.19
  • 2018-08-26 12.41.31 HDR 2018-08-26 12.41.31 HDR
  • 2018-08-26 12.51.09 2018-08-26 12.51.09
  • 松山南站 松山南站
  • 松山南站 松山南站
  • 松山南站 松山南站
  • 松山南站 松山南站
  • IMG_2582 IMG_2582

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.