Zhenbei Road

Zhenbei Road is a station on Line 13 of the Shanghai Metro. For more details view the ExploreShanghai interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Zhenbei Road
Chinese (simplified) 真北路
Located on Line 13

Map of Zhenbei Road

Tips near Zhenbei Road

♿️ Elevator 1:near head of platform to Jinshajiang Rd From platform to hall

ExploreMetro Access

Jan 8, 2014

Exit 2 for MTR City mall, city shop,H&M and other branded shops

Jenny karthik

Feb 29, 2016

Exit 2 for shanghai putuo maternity hospital


Jun 5, 2019

First train/Last train

Photos near Zhenbei Road

Copyright: kevinfinisterre https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • Shanghai - Middle Ring Road Shanghai - Middle Ring Road
  • IMG_20180718_110632 IMG_20180718_110632
  • IMG_20180722_150642 IMG_20180722_150642
  • IMG_20180722_150718 IMG_20180722_150718
  • IMG_20180722_150849 IMG_20180722_150849
  • image image
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  • image image
  • image image
  • 0.12uSv/h, 03/12/2016@shanghai, CN 0.12uSv/h, 03/12/2016@shanghai, CN
  • image image
  • Big SpongeBob Big SpongeBob
  • upload upload
  • 2010-12-19 朝阳 2010-12-19 朝阳
  • I see  灰姑娘 I see 灰姑娘

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.