Luoshan Road

Luoshan Road is a station on Line 11 and Line 16 of the Shanghai Metro. For more details view the ExploreShanghai interactive Metro map centered on this station.

Basic facts

English Luoshan Road
Chinese (simplified) 罗山路
Located on Line 11 and Line 16

Map of Luoshan Road

Tips near Luoshan Road

♿️ Elevator 1:in Middle of Exit 1/2 hall to platform

ExploreMetro Access

Jan 8, 2014



Apr 27, 2014



Apr 27, 2014

The station on Line 16 is exactly above the station on Line 11.

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May 27, 2016

bove subways are above ground

subway dude

Dec 1, 2018

First train/Last train

Photos near Luoshan Road

Copyright: milst1

  • IMG_20240630_114002 IMG_20240630_114002
  • 上海浦东的桥 上海浦东的桥
  • Shanghai Metro Line 16 AC19 Train Shanghai Metro Line 16 AC19 Train
  • Shanghai Bus PudongLine26 W9B-025&026 SXC6890G4 Shanghai Bus PudongLine26 W9B-025&026 SXC6890G4
  • 2018-06-03 大陸_0016 2018-06-03 大陸_0016

Photos provided by Flickr are under the copyright of their owners.