上海地铁 Stats
Note that the exact count of stations depends on exactly which 上海地铁 lines are included, and whether interchange stations are counted multiple times for each line.
- Number of lines
- 21
- Number of stations
- 413
- Number of stations (counting interchanges as multiple stations)
- 526
- Number of interchange stations
- 89
- Line with the most stations
- 十一号线 (40)
- Line with the fewest stations
- 磁浮示范运营线 (2)
- Longest journey
- 168 minutes from 西岑 to 滴水湖
- Stations by line
一号线 = 28
二号线 = 30
三号线 = 29
四号线 = 27
五号线 = 19
六号线 = 28
七号线 = 33
八号线 = 30
九号线 = 35
十号线 = 37
十一号线 = 40
十二号线 = 32
十三号线 = 31
十四号线 = 30
十五号线 = 30
十六号线 = 13
十七号线 = 14
十八号线 = 26
机场联络线 = 7
浦江线 = 6
磁浮示范运营线 = 2
- Station with most interchanges
- 龙阳路 (二号线,七号线,十六号线,十八号线,磁浮示范运营线)
- Most northerly station
- 铁力路 (三号线)
- Most easterly station
- 滴水湖 (十六号线)
- Most southerly station
- 滴水湖 (十六号线)
- Most westerly station
- 西岑 (十七号线)